On one hand, I am very disappointed that my low-functioning brain cannot remember much about summer except what has been documented with the camera. But on the other hand, I am quite enjoying this summer as things have definitely slowed down from the rush of the school year - even though Lily was only in preschool!

It has been a long time since I have really craved doing nothing on a daily basis - especially with the kids who always seemed to need social interaction or stimulation or something. I am just loving these ages though - they have so much fun together! They can just play and play for most of the day without me having to settle (too many) fights, they clean up their play areas with prompting (and bribes), they are still cuddly and will sit on my diminishing lap to read books any time of the day, and are such big helpers - it's so fun to work with them instead of because of them. Now I just spend most of my cleaning time picking up after Adam.

This picture pretty much sums up Jack's attitude towards his Dad. He thinks he is the greatest thing ever and I love watching them interact and form their relationship.

Much like Lily. Lily still loves to make people laugh and is such a goof. She and Adam often argue who is the funniest person ever.

So I'll start the simple labeling. Here we are celebrating Adam almost becoming a CPA. He passed the REG section but failed Audit. Crossing our fingers on August 1st! Adam was very adamant that I NOT attempt to make an ice cream cake but to get one from Baskin Robbins. And I must admit that it was very yummy and nostalgic - Mom got those a lot for Dad's birthday when we were young.

Adam wanted to make sure we had good documentation of his mustache before he shaved it off. Oh my gosh I missed that face! I tried not to seem too elated when it was gone - don't want to give him that much possible ammunition for later! This was at the Mayan in Salt Lake. The kids seemed to REALLY enjoy watching the divers - it is pretty amazing what they do. Adam will say that I will never go there again. Might be true as we paid $8.00 for a mini quesadilla with french fries for the kids. Such a rip off food wise. When we saw the bill we told the kids to sit back down, we were going to wait for another show. We had gone south for Jon and Natalie Zempter's wedding. So fun - weddings are few and far between now. PLUS they had eclairs at their reception. Adam laughed pretty hard at my reaction to that, because I was really, really excited.

Visit from Britt! It was so nice to have her and her cute kids here! She helped me out so much; babysitting for a few RS visits, totally made it possible for me to finish a crafty VT project (I seriously couldn't have done it without help), and cooked most of the meals (all of which Adam approved of! Quite different from the norm around here). It was awesome to see the kids play so well together - like I said, such great ages!

Here is our first big batch of strawberries. Lily had been so excited to pick them, and she and Eleanor were able to harvest quite a few as well after this bowl. Who knows if we will ever have enough to do jam or something like that, they are just too tempting right from the garden.

I tried so hard to keep him awake so he could go to bed after dinner. It's nice he still needs naps occasionally, otherwise he just goes to bed easier. Although the terrible 2's do make an appearance every so often.

Lily finished her year of tumbling. It was so cute to see her perform. Like so many other areas of her life that I am finding myself inadequate in, I'm hoping to be able to help her find an activity she really likes doing. She seemed to be getting tired of tumbling.

Adam really wanted to take the kids to Kennecot to see the Bingham Canyon Mines. I was a bit apprehensive but it was really neat, and the kids thought it was so cool, especially Jackson. This wheel is for the dump trucks.

Jackson's reaction to this showcase was priceless.

Two Sears Towers can fit in there. It was so big!
So I'm sure as soon as I hit Publish Post I will remember many other things I wanted to say. Like, we're having a boy! There's one. And we went to Idaho for July 4th and to celebrate Adam's Grandpa's birthday, and actually stayed up to see the fireworks that Ogden and South Ogden DON'T do on July 4th. (??? We were quite shocked, but I guess they focus on the 24th for Pioneer Day). Luckily aerials are legal and so the kids were able to see quite a few anyways. Well, that should be most everything. Hopefully.
How in the world do you get strawberries so big? I must be missing something... :)
Congratulations on your baby boy!
I'm bummed that we couldn't chat more last weekend at Jonathan's wedding. But, it was great to see you!
I can just see you getting excited over those eclairs!!! Sounda like you guys are having a great summer!
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