Tuesday, December 17, 2013

our fourth

Ada Scout is 12 days old today.  She was born on my Grandma Amelia's birthday, Wednesday December 5th, at 3:34 a.m.  I am still getting used to saying "she" - it's been so long since I had a baby girl.  She was 8 lbs 11 oz, my smallest baby, but honestly I got an epidural and you don't feel anything so it doesn't matter much how big she was, except that she was a nice healthy weight.  Adam asked me the morning after she was born if I liked the name Scout.  I said "It's a good book.  But I don't like just Scout Bird."  He mentioned Ada a bit later, and together they seemed to fit her perfectly.  Now Adam is always keeping tabs on who calls her what - he wants Scout.  Lily wants Ada.  I just hope she's not confused.
The hospital was a super annoying experience - we came home Thursday morning.  Janet came to help with the kids, and returned home on Saturday after Ashley had baby Roam that morning (1 lb 11 oz - about 24 wks).  My mom was here for the entire following week.  It has been a good transition with the help I have received.  Recovery has included the baby blues (totally new experience that I blame the epidural on....I always experienced a super happy high after all my other babies); engorgement + she has a tooth.....yes....totally not cool; severe back pain that has since gone away (phew!  that was scary); no tearing so everything else is pretty standard.
Lily is beyond excited to have her here, and is constantly wanting to hold her and take care of her.  She is also super aware of anything going on, and I need to remind her a lot that it is just normal things.  She internalizes a lot of what we say and is a big worrier!  She told her carpool that something was wrong with the baby's belly (her belly button fell off).  She prayed last night that "all of the baby's problems would go away."  Apparently we can't discuss the little things like 'how long since her last poop', or 'when should we cut her fingernails.'  She just loves her though, and is so cute with her.
Jackson has really surprised me with how far he goes out of his way to be a sweet, super big helper.  He always comes up to her to give super soft kisses, and asks me "do you like our new baby?"  He was so excited to have me bring her to his preschool to show his teachers his new sister.  He is always willing to grab me a diaper or wipes or a binky or whatever I need.  So sweet.  Side note:  In his prayer he asked that we would be able to go to the Christmas Village and visit Santa.
Isaac seems to be doing quite well.  The biggest issue is patience - he doesn't like to wait!  Which is hard with nursing.  He hasn't directed any anger towards the baby, which is nice.  He also is much more demanding of cuddle time with me and Adam - which certainly isn't a problem.  :)
As for me and Adam, we are super happy and so blessed to have this little crew of 4.   I feel like it's such a big family.  I am just in awe of this gorgeous little newborn - it's so amazing to look in her little dark blue eyes!  So neat to be able to have a newborn in our home again.


Boualay said...

Ada is simply beautiful. In the third picture, she shows a little resemblance of Jack.

amanda said...

What beautiful pictures!! She is gorgeous, I can't wait to meet her. I hope you are all doing well.

Emily said...

She is beyond beautiful!!! What a gorgeous family you and Adam have!!! Way to go mama of 4!