Jack's 2 month mark was on Friday. His stats are pretty much opposite of Lily's: Weight was 12 lbs 15 oz (75%), length 24 inches (90%), head circumfrence 40.6 cm (50%). Lily always had a big head and low weight. :)
What a precious boy! I seriously don't know how he's getting bigger he eats so rarely (at least what I remember from Lily). He's been a super good sleeper since his first week home, and I usually just get up once a night. I've been able to take him to work and he's been such a trooper.
Wow, he's so adorable!
I don't know how you do it with two, though. I can barely manage my cat's tantrums against Eve but if I had a toddler that was adjusting to things I'd probably have pulled all my hair out by now.
This gets easier, right? (Eve just had a rough, wakeful night.) ;)
Jack is so big-I thought Hurley was I guess I'm wrong. He is so cute and I love Lily (her heels are to die for!) Good for you to have two sleeping toddlers and a sleeping baby. You are amazing!!!
He is so big!! I wish we could've seen him before we left. I love that you are calling him Jack, that would've been my first pick for boy name, but Ben's not going for it...I guess it's just as well! Good work, he looks so happy & healthy!
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