Thursday, October 2, 2008

vertical napping

Today I let Lily do whatever she wanted: have her binky all day long, play with whatever she wanted without getting mad (my makeup, adam's shaving lotion), have cookies for an after-breakfast snack (with me, of course), and let her take a nap as late as she wanted. After 5 minutes in her crib I peeked in to see this:

Today Lily was happy, and so was I. (It's been a while - I am completely clueless when it comes to this 2-kid deal).


The Batchelders said...

That is the cutest. I love the pictures you had taken of your kids by the way, they are adorable, the pictures and the kids.

Britt-Marie said...

haha! that's a great picture. maybe I need to try that strategy. Some days I feel like I'm one of those dolls where you pull the string and it just repeats phrases, in my case the phrases are: "No!" "I told you not to do that" "Do you want to go in time-out?" "Stop that now." and "We do NOT play with the toilet water!" (okay, so I've only ever said that last one once)

Becca said...

Way cute picture. It's totally easier to just let it all go once and a while. (well, for me more often than not) :)